A Future Resurrection?

Thousands of years ago a man named Job asked a crucial question: “If a man dies, will he live again?” (Job 14:14). It’s a question that sooner or later all of us are forced to ask. There are of course many different opinions out there on the topic.  Atheists believe that nothing happens to us […]

March 27, 2014 in Q&A by

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Service Times & Directions

Weekend Masses in English

Saturday Morning: 8:00 am

Saturday Vigil: 4:30 pm

Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:45 am,
12:30 pm, 5:30 pm

Weekend Masses In Español

Saturday Vigil: 6:15pm

Sunday: 9:00am, 7:15pm

Weekday Morning Masses

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: 8:30 am

6654 Main Street
Wonderland, AK 45202
(513) 555-7856