

What’s on your agenda?

Work? School? Play? Meetings? Outings? Projects? Assignments? A little R&R?

Feels like just another ordinary day, right? People to meet. Tasks to accomplish. Things to see. Assignments to complete. E-mails to check. It all seems a bit mundane perhaps.
But what if you had a different perspective? What if today you were making choices that were eternal? What if this day wasn’t about you, but rather about God? Consider what the Bible says about TODAY:

Hebrews 3:15 says, “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts.”

God is speaking to you today. Are you listening? He speaks primarily through his Word, the Bible. But he also speaks in so many other ways. He is speaking through creation (Psalm 19; Romans 1:19-20). He is speaking through your conscience (Romans 2:15). He is speaking through the Holy Spirit’s gentle whisper (1 Kings 19:12-13). He is speaking through circumstances (1 Corinthians 16:9). He is speaking through people who share God’s wisdom with you (1 Corinthians 1:21).

How is God speaking to you today? The Bible challenges you to, “Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve.” (Joshua 24:15). We will all serve someone or something TODAY. The question is, “Who will it be?”

C.S. Lewis put it this way in his book Mere Christianity:

“Every time you make a choice you are turning the central part of you, the part of you that chooses, into something a little different from what it was before.  And taking your life as a whole, with all your innumerable choices, all your life long you are slowly turning this central thing either into a heavenly creature or a hellish creature; either into a creature that is in harmony with God, and with other creatures, and with itself, or else into one that is in a state of war and hatred with God, and with its fellow creatures, and with itself.  To be the one kind of creature is… joy and peace and knowledge and power.  To be the other means madness, horror, idiocy, rage, impotence, and eternal loneliness.  Each of us at each moment is progressing to the one state or the other.”

Seen in that light, TODAY is significant. Seen from that perspective, how we live TODAY is important. Seen in that light, what matters is listening and obeying God TODAY.


Categories Devotionals | Tags: | Posted on July 26, 2012

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Weekend Masses in English

Saturday Morning: 8:00 am

Saturday Vigil: 4:30 pm

Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:45 am,
12:30 pm, 5:30 pm

Weekend Masses In Español

Saturday Vigil: 6:15pm

Sunday: 9:00am, 7:15pm

Weekday Morning Masses

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: 8:30 am

6654 Main Street
Wonderland, AK 45202
(513) 555-7856